Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Performance Testing Process

Performance Testing Process

Five most important phases are

Initial Phase

In test initial phase of the project we collect the requirement of the project such as use cases or the work flow of the system. Will a discuss with business analyst team to understand the important flows of the system software.

Strategy document for the system will created such as
  • Overview of the System.
  • Objective of the testing .
  • Scope of the document.
  • Approach.
  • Enter criteria and Exist criteria.
  • Script Pass/Fail criteria.
  • Data setup process.
  • Environment setup.
  • Tools to be used.
  • Assumption and dependencies.
  • Risks.
  • Deliverable.
High Level test plan will be shared with all the customer along with all the team involved in the process. And all the information will be in details in the test plan for reference.

Planning Phase

It is most important phase in performance testing because in this phase we will plan how are we going to do performance testing services. We will get to know the requirement of test data and the dependencies of the test data for each script. Which is most time consuming part in the testing phase.
Test Environment setup, you need to understand the environment where your going to perform testing.

Because most of the performance test environment will not be similar to the production environment. So you need to understand the dependents of the down stream system and what are the system you need to stub or configure to perform your testing. It will help you to define the work load modelling of your system.

And also the tools which we are going to use for performance testing and there dependencies and there limitations.

Scripting Phase

In Scripting phase, the script are created using the tools available or agreed as per the planning phase. Most importantly all the use cases are scripted for the system as agreed with the business.

The script catalog which will be created which contains the script flow for each of the use cases.Use cases are mapped with simple, moderate and complex. Depending on the complexity of the test cases the duration of the scripting will be confirmed.

You understand the test data required for your system because during planing phase you will get to know what are the test data. But during the scripting you will understand the unique data you need for each script. And also the dependencies of each data for the script. Because of this you can plan your test data preparation activity.

Execution Phase

It is the most important phase of the performance testing because in this phase you will find the bottle neck of the system. This phase is where most of the recommendation and the system turning will done. And below are some important part of this phase
Data Preparation
Data setup activity for each script need to be completed before the test. Because without the data setup you cannot run the performance testing the script which are data deepened will fail.
Type of Performance Testing
We will be performing different type of performance testing on the system to understand the bottle neck of the application. Because each different type of execution are meant for different purpose and it will help to understand different issues.

Reporting and Analysis Phase

This is the last phase of the process, once the test execution is completed. We will analysis the results collected from different tools used during the testing and share the test will the customer.

We will analysis from each section of the system such as server side, client side, db side and web sever side. Because each section will give you details how the system is behavior and what is the utilization of resources. 

Most importantly it will give you the exact section where there is an issue in the system.
And Most important recommendation on the application are shared with all the stakeholder and development team.

Once the development team gives the fixes for the issue and recommendation we will gain perform the testing and certify the application if the fixes are working or not.

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